Low Drawer Set


This simple, yet elegant bedroom drawer set is just the right size to fit in the Cube’s loft space and includes integrated damper catches to ensure that the drawers close silently, and softly. Concealed drawer runners ensure that drawers run smoothly even when heavily loaded. Adjustable feet make it possible to compensate for any irregularities in the floor.

By using sawmill leftovers and scrap wood in the particle board in this product, we make use of whole trees and not only the trunks. That way, we take better care of resources. We want to have a positive impact on the planet. That is why we want the materials in our products to be recycled or renewable, and sourced in responsible ways.

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Width: 63 inches

Depth: 18 1/2 inches

Height: 21 1/4 inches

Drawer depth (inside): 14 5/8 inches

Shipping + Delivery Policy:

This product must be included with your primary NOMAD Cube order and will be added to the same delivery.