NOMAD Family

Our NOMAD Family of homeowners currently spans a wide variety of climates and geographical regions across North America.

Lush mountain forests in British Columbia's Slocan Valley.

Frigid snowy climes of the Northwest Territories and all the way across to the rugged beauty of Canada's northern Atlantic coast.

Mild west-coast weather of Oakland and San Jose, California.

The harsh extremes of California's high desert in Yucca Valley, and the plains of Tulia, Texas.

We're proud to share their stories with you.

Cape Breton, Nova Scotia

Oceanfront Residence and Vacation Rental

Our NOMAD Family member Ross took the DIY aspect of the NOMAD Cube to heart, rolling up his sleeves to construct his Cube with a crew in about a week. It's located on his gorgeous 2.5-acre oceanfront property overlooking the Bay of Fundy—talk about a million-dollar view. Ross opted to build his tiny home on helical piles, thus eliminating the need for significant site prep and a costly concrete foundation. Before you raise an eyebrow about safety, Ross' Cube was more than sturdy enough to withstand Hurricane Fiona completely unscathed.

Ross lives in his NOMAD Cube for part of the year and earns rental income by listing it on Airbnb for others to enjoy the rest of the time. It keeps him and his guests warm and cozy even while east-coast winter winds are howling. Here's what one of his visitors had to say: "Visited during a cold snap and was initially concerned with staying home like this during the winter, but my experience was quite the contrary. Easily accessible, warm and inviting. Though compact, almost every square inch is put to good use with a view that can't be beat."

Take a peek at our Facebook album for more photos of Ross' NOMAD Cube, and check out his Airbnb listing here.